PacSam Video Games

XBOX 360

Our complete inventory of authentic XBOX 360 games, consoles and accessories for sale are listed in alphabetical order. Please press "CTRL + F" (PC) or "CMD + F" (MAC) to find easily a game with the navigator search tool. Feel free to take a look through our retro game console parts and accessories, our games and accessories on clearance and our video game box protectors. Are you ready for hours of fun and nostalgia?!

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List of Consoles and Accessories
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List of Video Games
ItemsPricesStateConditionMore Info...
2010 FIFA World Cup3,00 $No ManualVery Good 
AC/DC Live Rock Band Track Pack10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation8,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation [Platinum Hits]15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Aliens Colonial Marines15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Alpha Protocol8,00 $No ManualVery Good*
Army of Two5,00 $No ManualGood 
Army of Two: The 40th Day10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Army of Two: The 40th Day10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Army Of Two: The 40th Day [Platinum Hits]5,00 $CompleteGood 
Army of Two: The Devils Cartel15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel [Overkill Edition]10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Assassin's Creed8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Assassin's Creed [Platinium Hits]10,00 $SealedVery Good 
Assassin's Creed II [Platinium Hits]10,00 $SealedVery Good 
Assassin's Creed III5,00 $No ManualGoodDamaged Artwork
Assassin's Creed III5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Assassin's Creed: Revelations5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts [Not For Resale]25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Batman: Arkham Asylum8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Batman: Arkham Asylum [Game of the Year Edition]8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Battlefield 3 [Limited Edition]3,00 $No ManualGood 
Battlefield 45,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Battlefield: Bad Company 28,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 [Ultimate Edition]8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Bionicle Heroes25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
BioShock10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
BioShock5,00 $No ManualGood 
BioShock 210,00 $CompleteVery Good 
BioShock Infinite5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Bomberman Act Zero20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Borderlands [Platinum Hits]8,00 $CompleteVery GoodSticker on Disc
Brink8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Bulletstorm [Epic Edition]8,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include Extra
Burnout Paradise10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare [Day Zero Edition]5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty: Black Ops II20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty: Ghosts5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 28,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 35,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Duty: World at War10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Call of Juarez: The Cartel15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Civilization Revolution10,00 $CompleteGood 
Conan15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Condemned Criminal Origins15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Crysis 3 [Hunter Edition]8,00 $CompleteGood 
Damnation10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dance Central 23,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dance Central 33,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 35,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dark60,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dark Sector10,00 $CompleteGood 
Darksiders II5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dead Island [Game Of The Year Edition]8,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Dead Island [Special Edition]10,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include REG Card
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dead Space15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dead Space 215,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dead Space 3 [Limited Edition]15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dead to Rights: Retribution50,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Deca Sports Freedom3,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Destiny5,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Destiny5,00 $No ManualGood 
Destiny: The Taken King [Legendary Edition]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Devil May Cry 410,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Devil May Cry HD Collection10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Diablo III [Ultimate Evil Edition]25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dirt 315,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Disney Sing It: High School Musical 35,00 $CompleteVery Good 
DMC: Devil May Cry8,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Don King Presents Prize Fighter10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dragon Age II10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dragon Age: Origins10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dragon Age: Origins [Awakening Expansion]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Driver: San Francisco30,00 $CompleteGood 
Duke Nukem Forever10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce10,00 $CompleteGood 
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Enchanted Arms30,00 $CompleteVery Good 
F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon30,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Fable II [Not for Resale]15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Fable III25,00 $SealedVery Good 
Fable III15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Fable III10,00 $CompleteGoodDamaged Case
Fable III [Limited Collectors Edition]30,00 $CompleteVery GoodDamaged Belt Clip
Fallout 315,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Fallout: New Vegas8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Family Guy: Back To The Multiverse60,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Far Cry 38,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Far Cry 410,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Final Fantasy XI15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Final Fantasy XIII15,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ Incude REG Card
Final Fantasy XIII-215,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Forza Motorsport 25,00 $CompleteGood 
Fuse10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Gears of War10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Gears of War 28,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Gears of War 35,00 $CompleteVery Good 
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Grand Theft Auto IV8,00 $No ManualGood 
Grand Theft Auto IV [Platinum Hits]15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Grand Theft Auto IV [Platinum Hits]8,00 $No ManualGood 
Grand Theft Auto V15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Guitar Hero 510,00 $CompleteGood 
Guitar Hero Aerosmith10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Guitar Hero II10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Guitar Hero World Tour8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Gun20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Halo 310,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Halo 310,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include Poster
Halo 3: ODST8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Halo 410,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Halo 48,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Halo: Reach10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance Bundle5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Hip Hop Dance Experience8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Hole In The Wall5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Homefront10,00 $CompleteGood 
Hunted: The Demon's Forge15,00 $CompleteGoodSun Faded
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Injustice: Gods Among Us10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Injustice: Gods Among Us [Ultimate Edition]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Jericho8,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include Extra
Jumper8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Just Dance 35,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Just Dance: Kids 20145,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Karaoke Revolution: Glee Vol 35,00 $SealedVery Good 
Kinect Adventures3,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Kinect Sports8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Konami Classics Volume 260,00 $CompleteVery Good 
L.A. Noire10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Left 4 Dead [Game of the Year Edition]10,00 $CompleteGood 
LEGO Indiana Jones & Kung Fu Panda [Combo]8,00 $CompleteGoodDamaged Case
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Lost Odyssey15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Madden 20093,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Madden NFL 063,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Mafia II10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Major League Baseball 2K113,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Mass Effect10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Mass Effect 25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Mass Effect Trilogy25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Max Payne 320,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Max Payne 315,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Medal of Honor [Limited Edition]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Medal of Honor [Limited Edition]8,00 $CompleteGoodUsed Artwork
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Metro 203310,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Minecraft10,00 $CompleteGoodDamaged Artwork
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition [Platinum Hits]15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
MotionSports5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Murdered: Soul Suspect10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
MX vs. ATV: Untamed8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
N3 Ninety Nine Nights20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Naruto: The Broken Bond60,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Need for Speed: Carbon10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Need for Speed: Most Wanted50,00 $Disc OnlyGoodGeneric Case & Printed Artwork
Need for Speed: Prostreet20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Need for Speed: Prostreet15,00 $CompleteVery GoodUsed Artwork / Sticker on Disc
Need for Speed: Rivals8,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Need for Speed: Shift10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
NFL Tour10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
NHL 073,00 $CompleteGood 
NHL 083,00 $No ManualGood 
NHL 123,00 $No ManualVery Good 
NHL 13: Stanley Cup [Collectors Edition]10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
NHL 143,00 $CompleteGood 
NHL 2K85,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Ninja Gaiden II20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Ninja Gaiden II15,00 $CompleteGood 
Otomedius Excellent25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Perfect Dark Zero15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Phantasy Star Universe10,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Prey10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Prince of Persia10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Project Gotham Racing 48,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Project Sylpheed30,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Prototype15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Rage20,00 $SealedVery Good 
Rage10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Rainbow Six Vegas5,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Raven Squad10,00 $CompleteGood 
Rayman: Raving Rabbids15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Red Dead Redemption15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Red Dead Redemption: Game of the Year Edition [XBOX 360 / XBOX ONE]20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Resident Evil 515,00 $CompleteGood 
Resident Evil 510,00 $CompleteGoodFrench Manual / Damaged Manual
Resident Evil 5 [Platinum Hits]15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Resident Evil 615,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Ride to Hell: Retribution70,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Rock Band5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Rock Band Track Pack: Country10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Saints Row 2 [Platinum Hits]8,00 $CompleteGood 
Saints Row IV8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Saints Row: The Third [The Full Package]15,00 $CompleteGood 
Shadows of the Damned50,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Silent Hill Homecoming30,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Silent Hill Homecoming15,00 $Disc OnlyGoodGeneric Case & Printed Artwork
Skate10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Skate 310,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Skate 3 [Platinum Hits]5,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Sneak King8,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include Extra
Sonic the Hedgehog [Platinum Hits]25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Soul Calibur IV20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Soul Calibur V20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
South Park: The Stick of Truth10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
South Park: The Stick of Truth [Platinum Hits]8,00 $CompleteVery GoodDamaged Artwork
Spec Ops: The Line15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Splatterhouse75,00 $CompleteVery GoodDamaged Artwork
Star Ocean: The Last Hope15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II [Platinum Hits]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Syndicate30,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Syndicate20,00 $No ManualGood 
Tales of Vesperia15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified10,00 $SealedVery GoodDamaged Seal
The Darkness20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion [Game of the Year]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim8,00 $CompleteGood 
The Evil Within10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
The Orange Box30,00 $CompleteVery Good 
The Simpsons Game45,00 $CompleteVery Good 
The Simpsons Game40,00 $Disc OnlyGoodGeneric Case & Printed Artwork
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 103,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 [Masters Historic Edition]20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 [Platinum Hits]5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Tom Clancy's HAWX8,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist [Signature Edition]10,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include Extra
Tomb Raider [Game of the Year]10,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Tomb Raider Legend15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Turok20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Viva Pinata: Party Animals5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Warhammer 40000: Space Marine60,00 $CompleteVery GoodCIB+ : Include Extra
Wet25,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Wipeout: In the Zone5,00 $No ManualVery Good 
Wolfenstein20,00 $CompleteVery Good 
XBOX Live Arcade: Compilation Disc8,00 $No ManualGood 
XBOX Live Arcade: Unplugged Volume 15,00 $CompleteVery Good 
XCOM: Enemy Unknown5,00 $CompleteVery Good 
X-Men: Destiny8,00 $CompleteVery Good 
Zumba Fitness3,00 $CompleteVery Good