PacSam Video Games

Game Boy Original (GB)

Our complete inventory of authentic Game Boy Original (GB) games, consoles and accessories for sale are listed in alphabetical order. Please press "CTRL + F" (PC) or "CMD + F" (MAC) to find easily a game with the navigator search tool. Feel free to take a look through our retro game console parts and accessories, our games and accessories on clearance and our video game box protectors. Are you ready for hours of fun and nostalgia?!

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List of Video Games
ItemsPricesStateConditionMore Info...
Adventure Island30,00 $LooseVery Good 
Arcade Classic 2: Centipede and Millipede15,00 $LooseGood 
Arcade Classics #3: Galaga, Galaxian15,00 $LooseGoodFaded Label
Baseball8,00 $LooseVery Good 
Bases Loaded5,00 $LooseVery Good 
Batman: The Video Game35,00 $LooseVery Good 
Blades of Steel15,00 $LooseGood 
Bo Jackson's Hit and Run! Baseball and Football5,00 $LooseGood 
Bubble Bobble30,00 $LooseGoodFaded Label
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle20,00 $LooseVery Good 
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2 [Player's Choice]15,00 $LooseGoodFaded Label
Contra: The Alien Wars50,00 $LooseVery Good 
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf15,00 $LooseGoodYellowed Cartridge
Donkey Kong100,00 $CompleteGoodCIB 7.5/10 Used Box
Donkey Kong30,00 $LooseVery Good 
Donkey Kong Land25,00 $LooseGood 
Donkey Kong Land [Player's Choice]25,00 $LooseGood 
Donkey Kong Land 225,00 $LooseVery Good 
Donkey Kong Land 330,00 $LooseVery Good 
Double Dragon30,00 $LooseGood 
Double Dragon II25,00 $LooseVery Good 
Dr. Mario15,00 $LooseVery Good 
Earthworm Jim30,00 $LooseGood 
F-1 Race8,00 $LooseVery Good 
Faceball 200040,00 $LooseVery Good 
George Foreman's KO Boxing8,00 $LooseVery Good 
Heiankyo Alien20,00 $LooseVery Good 
James Bond 00725,00 $LooseVery Good 
Jeopardy!8,00 $LooseVery Good 
Killer Instinct15,00 $LooseGood 
Kirby's Dream Land35,00 $LooseGood 
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge25,00 $LooseVery Good 
Metroid II: Return of Samus40,00 $LooseVery Good 
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers25,00 $LooseVery Good 
Mortal Kombat II20,00 $LooseVery Good 
Paperboy20,00 $LooseVery Good 
Pit-Fighter20,00 $LooseVery Good 
Pokemon Blue Version (Good Battery)75,00 $LooseGoodFaded Label
Pokemon Blue Version (New Battery)85,00 $LooseVery Good 
Pokemon Red Version (Good Battery)75,00 $LooseGoodFaded Label
Pokemon Yellow Version (Good Battery)75,00 $LooseGood 
Qix8,00 $LooseVery Good 
Radar Mission15,00 $LooseVery Good 
RoboCop 220,00 $LooseVery Good 
Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk45,00 $LooseGoodYellowed Cartridge
Solar Striker15,00 $LooseVery Good 
Spider-Man 225,00 $LooseVery Good 
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary15,00 $LooseVery Good 
Star Wars [Player's Choice]10,00 $LooseVery Good 
Super Mario Land30,00 $LooseVery Good 
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins25,00 $LooseVery Good 
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi15,00 $LooseVery Good 
T2 The Arcade Game15,00 $LooseVery Good 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan25,00 $LooseVery Good 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan20,00 $LooseGoodYellowed Cartridge
Tennis10,00 $LooseGood 
Tetris20,00 $LooseVery Good 
Tetris15,00 $LooseGoodSlightly Peeled Off Label
Tetris 215,00 $LooseVery Good 
Tetris Attack10,00 $LooseGoodFaded Label
The Jungle Book15,00 $LooseVery Good 
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening50,00 $LooseVery Good 
Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness10,00 $LooseVery Good 
Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break10,00 $LooseVery Good 
Wario Land Super Mario Land 345,00 $LooseVery Good 
WWF Raw15,00 $LooseVery Good 
Yoshi15,00 $LooseVery Good